
Monday, April 29, 2013

My Big Boys!

They are about to turn 4 in a little over 2 months. They no longer use diapers, except at night. They are 100% potty trained, and even Ace can go all night without an accident. They are outgrowing sippy cups, and tell me, "Mommy, I want a big boy cup!" or I want to use a big boy water bottle!" They help me with the putting away of laundry, starting/moving laundry, putting away their toys, washing dishes, and sweeping the floor. I can understand everything they say, no more baby babbles! They ride their two wheelers (with training wheels of course!), have real friends, and today, my babies big boys started soccer! Well, they were suppose to start soccer, but of course, good old Alberta lived up to its name and it snowed enough to cancel their first practice/game. Which I wouldn't have minded too bad because I am big baby when it comes to cold weather, except that because we live in good old Alberta, the saying; "If you don't like the weather, wait 10 minutes and it will change!" totally lived up to its name! As we were sitting around the dinner table, I quickly reminded my husband I had to take off right away to meet with the boys coach and pick up their uniforms. He offered to whip over, so I was relieved as I was ready to just bathe the kids and relax after working all day! Literally, the minute after he left, the sun came out and it was beautiful out! It figures.
When the boys seen their uniforms they just had to try them on, we have been talking about soccer for weeks! They picked which number they wanted, and grinned from ear to ear! I still cannot believe I do not have babies anymore. I don't even have toddlers! They are growing faster than the speed of light, and I am so fearful that if I blink, I will miss it all.

Last night, like every night, my beautiful little red headed boy would not let me leave his bed. He wanted cuddles, and it was obvious I wasn't going anywhere despite the long list of household chores I had lingering from the weekend. So I didn't go anywhere. I sucked up the OCD in me and I just cuddled! It was wonderful. For myself, I find it hard to stop and take time to enjoy them when they are little. Im so busy IN the busy, that I forget that they wont always be here. They wont always be this age! Watching them today in their soccer uniforms, prouder than proud, quickly reminded me of this!

While I try to balance my husband, children, work, blog designing, housework, my music and enjoying some fun, I try to remember what the word tells me about my children. They do not belong to me in the first place, they are a gift from God and belong to him! And secondly, just how important it is to raise them up in Gods word and house!

Proverbs 22:6

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

My boys are awesome. NO, they are amazing, smart, handsome, beautiful little boys! I would not trade them for anything! As crazy as life gets, I need to remember to stop, take the time needed and invest in these little souls. They grow so, SO fast, and I have such a short time to love on them before they decide that mommy is no longer "cool". So tonight, while my boys still let me cuddle them, I am going to do just that! Enjoy the littles, watch some Mega Mind and eat some popcorn! Cause tomorrow, they wont be big boys, they'll turn into young men!

(They picked their numbers, hence their little fingers :)

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